
Why does God love me?: Part 1

Why Me? What is it about me that makes Him love me?

My boys have some great ways they try to tell me how much they love me.  Dylan used to always say "I love you bigger and bigger and up to the sky!"  Lincoln has been saying "I love you too much!"  These are both such great pure expressions of pure innocent love.  Plain and simple.

 As adults we have trouble expressing and sometimes even experiencing this pure love.  We tend to see the flaws in people and in relationships.  God gets it right.

As high as heaven is over the earth, so strong is his love to those who fear him.
And as far as sunrise is from sunset, he has separated us from our sins.
Psalms 103:11-12 The Message
God loves us not our sins.  So why does God love me, he sees me, not my flaws.  He sees the life I can live past the history I have lived.

So to better understand why God love us, let's talk about how we experience God's love for us.
Comment back with some ways you have experienced God's love for you in your life. If you have never experience God's love, share that too.


  1. When the world judged me and left me to walk the path alone, He stayed beside me and loved me, never judging me. His grace is sufficient! <3

  2. He brought me out of a pit of hurt and anger and turned my trials into ways to bring praise to Him. Through everything I've been through, the stress, the trials, the temptations, the brokenness, through every season He had held me and let me know I have never been alone.

  3. I'm going to spin off of what the others have said and throw it out there that BECAUSE God loves me He has put me through trials. To a point Satan, poor choices, and just the plain ol' fact that we live in a fallen broken world cause the strife we experience, but I also think(perhaps unpopularly)that God puts us into the valley so that we can see Him in the heights. One of my very favorite songs says it beautifully( I know a lot of people believe that God doesn't make bad things happen, but I disagree. If life were always hunky dory, God wouldn't be glorified to the degree that He is when things don't go our way and we are forced to our knees. I have been loved into that valley so.many.times. Perhaps I am a slow learner, but it never fails that in and through the trials God is glorified, His grace is made known, and He stretches and grows me as His child.
