
Would Jesus use Facebook?

Earlier this week I was reading an article, Take It and Tweet It by Matthew Nickoloff, that talked about how we can use Facebook, blogs, and other social media as a digital ministry.  This is something that really hit home with me.  I am trying to do this kind of thing with my blog, but the article really made me think when it noted that "people are not looking for information, but relationships".  This really hit me.  I am not that big on digital relationships.  I have probably been very hypocritical when you break it down that a digital relationship is just a relationship.  I always talk about the importance of relationships in bringing people to Christ and growing in your relationship with Him... BUT... I don't really live this out on Facebook, or Twitter very well.  I hope my blog has been more relational than informational (please someone hold me accountable if it isn't).

So, I guess the point is that my view that Facebook and other social media is accelerating the downfall of society is changing.  Social media is only going to be as good as the things we post through it.

Would Jesus us Facebook?  You better believe it.  I think he would be all over Facebook, reaching people right where they are.  His friend count would be increasing daily.

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations your friends on Facebook, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Matthew 28:19
Think about it... how many people can you reach though your social media accounts that you already have?
How can you be a herald for Christ through social media?

1 comment:

  1. I love social media for sharing my faith. It feels less intrusive and reaches a lot of people but at the same time, it can show your true colors. I have a friend who proclaims her love for others and Christ and then during elections, she says nothing of Christ and only blasts political figures. Some find it hypocritical and get turned off by the small amount of bashing. That small amount over shadows all she says about her love for the Lord and others. So while I know we're all human, I just think we need to be aware that it can be a positive and a negative. :)

