
Lint and Lent

Well as many of you know, we have had our share of bumps in the road recently... water heaters, clothes dryers, sick kids...  I think we have made it through the this round of life detours.  The water heater is working great, the kids seem like they're getting better (except for Dylan having some breathing trouble this week), and the dryer is back working.  And all just in time for Lent!

Coincidentally, we have begun paring down around our house.  After writing the Consuming post a few weeks ago, it seemed like I was hearing God speak to me through radio news stories, and bits and pieces of conversations, that we needed to slim down out accumulation of stuff, and slim down our bills.

So we have been going through the house and getting rid of things.  This has been mostly (almost exclusively) Jodi, I am working on getting better at this.  And we are going to be canceling our cable and home phone.  It feels liberating.  We are breaking chains that bind us to this world.

So with Lent upon us, I am invigorated and ready to sacrifice the things that I hold onto that are keeping me from you Lord.

What things hold you back from a relationship with Jesus?
What keeps you from growing in your relationship with him?
What things bind you to this world?
What things could you not live without? Why?

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him -Proverbs 3:5-6


  1. Hay thats my verse:)
    1,2) Me, not spending enough time with Him and not going to Him with every situation.
    3) Friends and Family
    4) God, friends and family
    Do you think some go to the extrem to make thier point and cut themselfs off too much? How do you find a balance?

    1. The Amish style simple life and the eastern mystic’s eliminating desire by rejecting material goods and wants; as well as, the apostles being told to take but one tunic etc., are all examples of eliminating material distraction. Yet, King Solomon and Job were blessed by God with materials. Yet again, Paul even indicates that the servant of God can be less distracted by having the added responsibility of marriage. Yet again, again, the seed of Christ could not have been sown apart from procreation.
