
Life gets tough

Sometimes life gets tough.  We have had our share of detours recently it seems.
Water heaters, dryers, sick kids, loved ones lost... Life indeed gets tough sometimes.

This week I've really been searching and praying for what to write.

So I decided to write about hardships.  Jodi pointed me to this blog post on enduring the curves life throws at you. Listen to the song linked in the post, it will lift your spirits if you are struggling.

How do you get through the hard times in life?

Do you have a Bible verse, or a hymn, a song, a prayer that lifts you back up?

How do you remind yourself that God has not left you alone to make it through these trials?


  1. I have started a "Gifts Journal", finding God's gifts in anything makes me feel better and closer to the Lord.

    I love the song, "Trust In Jesus" by Third Day.

    "I Trust in Jesus
    My great Deliverer
    My strong Defender
    The Son of God
    I trust in Jesus
    Blessed Redeemer
    My Lord forever
    The Holy One, the Holy One"

    - Jodi

  2. Provb. 3:5,6 My life verse.
    I PRAY PRAY PRAY. I love the feeling and knowledge that God will never leave me. My song, the new amazing grace song.
