
In His image...

But thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christ's triumphal procession and uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere. For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are an aroma that brings death; to the other, an aroma that brings life. And who is equal to such a task?   2 Corinthians 2:14-16 NIV

How do you smell this week?

How have you seen God exemplified by someone's actions this week?  How have you tried too exemplify Christ?


  1. How do I smell? I smell just fine. However, I have encountered many Christians who STINK. They are the first to judge and be unloving. Why would I want to "smell" someone who holds all to such a high bar yet shows no compassion or love? Christians smell like snobs and hypocrites to me. Thus, I don't want to go to church or even associate with Christians. When they aren't shoving religion down your throat, they are telling you how horrible you are and what you are doing wrong. Don't think people who aren't Christians are stupid. We see the looks and can read what they mean. No thanks. I have ex-husbands that do that, I don't need friends to do it as well. I should say that all Christians aren't like them, but I have run into many more who are like that than aren't.

  2. Ann (anonymous)- I'm very sorry that you have had bad experiences before. With your sincere honesty in the post, I am going to treat you with the same. People, Christians or non-Christians alike, are mean and sinful. We hurt each other meaning to or not. Should Christ-followers know better? By golly, they sure should but in their effort to search out Christ, they often forget His most important message - to love each other. With that lost, they most probably do "stink". I agree,there are Christians out there who are all the negative things that you speak of, however, there are many good and loving as well. I have found that searching out Christ has to be something personal, if I do it or base it on how others exemplify, Christ, I would never do it. People mess up. Just a way of life. When you begin a personal relationship with our Savior, you must keep your eyes on the "prize" and life your life according to how He would want you to. Hope this clears the muddy water some... <3

  3. Maybe y'all can try posting anonymous and then signing your name. Type your comment, got to comment as, click anonymous and then post comment. Try that! It should work!


  4. If you're having trouble commenting please email me at adavisme@gmail.com.
