
Faith Like A Child


How do we keep a child like faith?

Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.  Luke 18:17
As we mature in our faith and in our life, sometimes we make things harder than they should be.  We over think, we second guess, we doubt.  Christ knew that we would do this and made a point of it (Mark 10:15, and Luke 18:17). How do we make sure to grow and mature in our faith, but not out grow that awe and wonder that we had as children?

I love seeing my kids discover and learn about Jesus Christ.  The amazement in their eyes as the hear how much Christ loves and care for them is inspiring.

Do I still have the look in my eyes?  Or have I lost it because I have made my faith too complicated.

How do you keep your faith fresh and uncomplicated?

Do you still say wow when you hear John 3:16?


  1. I know that I sadly still do not have that light in my eyes. I have more of a glaze. Glaze from long days and searching for God when all things seem to be crashing around us. I need to get the film out of my eyes...

  2. Well as a beliveer(sp) I think you have a light in you from Christ. I guess it is up to you how bright you are willing to shine that light. "This little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine" Stay in Gods word everyday and your joy from God will come, live for Him don't let the things of your life drag you down, I think that is what saten wnats to do. Pray for that "wow" to come in your life, for a fire to burn in you that you have never experienced before and then get ready and be amazed.
