
The Three Little Matches

Once upon a time, there were three little matches.  One day the matches were talking about how they wanted to burn.  The first match said that he wanted to make sure not to burn too bright, or too fast.  He wanted to burn very slowly. So when he was ready to burn, he said he would stay very still and do his best to control his flame and keep it very small and dim.

The second match thought that didn't sound like a lot of fun.  He said I want to burn very bright.  I want to have the most beautiful and bright flame a match can have.

The third match thought for a while, then slowly began to speak.  He said that what he really wanted most of all was to burn bright and ignite other matches that would hopefully go on to light more matches until all of the matches were burning bright together in the biggest, hottest, and most beautiful flame the world has ever seen.

What kind of match will you be for Christ?

How can we be more like the third match?


  1. I noticed that the closer I get to God, through prayer, reading His word and being with other belivers, that I shine brighter. But when I am not so close it does not shine as bright, notice it nerver goes out. I believe that when you have Christ in your heart the light never goes out. If you live as Christ did you don't have to do much for the light to shine it just comes natually(sp). In my humble opinion.

  2. I agree with Amy. I personally am feeling closer to God and I can feel that flame inside me growing stronger and hopefully shining brighter. I only hope that I am showing that flame to others. Our God is so good and I hope to lead others to see his wonderous Glory.
